Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Theology and Geometry is out in paperback

Back in the spring of 2020, I announced that the book Theology and Geometry: Essays on John Kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces was being published by Lexington Books. Leslie Marsh edited it, and I have a chapter in the book. This spring, I have learned that the book is coming out in paperback, at the low, low price of $39.99. I am surprised about the paperback. I didn't expect it to make the transition, because I didn't think the likely sales would warrent it. This is a sign of confidence on the part of Lexington. Thank you.

So if you were sitting on the sidelines because of the high price of the hardback ($90), now is your chance to own your own copy. What about you, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana? Berkeley has a copy. Princeton has a copy. What about someone in Spain? Researchers in Catalonia study Toole, I know you do. I can't offer any ginsu knives, though, or bamboo steamers.

The Amazon link: Theology and Geometry. The paperback ISBN is: 978-1498585491.

The Barnes and Noble link is: Theology and Geometry, if you do not want to help pay for Jeff Bezos's space program.